2016 - World Robotics Olympiad
Represented India at International WRO open category. Sponsored by NCSM and STEM INDIA.

2017 - Nobel Prize Series India
Ideathon winner and invited for Nobel Prize Series India 2017 under Vibrant Gujarat.

2017 - KaalRav SMIT
20 kg robowar winners at Technical festival of SMIT. 1st robowar bot of Eminence Robotics

2017 - IGNITE Award by NIF India
Won Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam Ignite award for our Patent applied Manual Tea Making Machine for Specially Abled. It was organised by National Innovation Foundation.

2018 - Ashoka India
Recognised as Chnagemakers by Ashoka India for Manual Tea Making Machine for Specially Abled.

2018 - Techniche
Winners in Techexpo 2018 organised under Techniche IIT Guwahati.​​

2018 - Tecnoesis
Winners in Robowar (30 kg) and Robosoccer at Tecnoesis NIT Silchar. The robowar bot was named as Chilarai, it was NE's first 2.4Ghz wireless combat robot.

2019 - NIT Patna
Winners of Robowars (10kg) and Hurdle Race at Technical fest of NIT Patna.

Winners of Roadrunner and Robo triathlon at KIIT Bhubaneswar.
Special Mention at Innovation Challenge under Kiitfest for developing "Mind controlled Electronic Stimulation of Paralysed Muscles".

2019 - AEC Technical Fest
Winners of Robowar (10kg) and Robosoccer and First Runner up of Robowar at technical fest of Assam Enginnering College

2019 - JEC Technical Fest
Winners of Robowar(10kg), Robosoccer and Roboroyal and First Runner up of Riboroyal at techncial fest of Jorhat Engineering College.

2019 - Yantra Roar
Winners of Robosoccer at Yantra Roar organised by Girjananda Institute of Management and Technology, Assam.

2019 - SMIT technical fest
Winners of Robowars and Robotic Arm and First Runner up of Robowars at Technical fest of SMIT institute.

2019 - Techniche
Made fastest Post Climbing bot for Escalade Techniche IIT Guwahati.

2019 - Techniche
Made India's Fastest Line Follower robot with an average speed of 85 cm/sec

2019 - Techniche
Runners up at Stack It UP challenge at Techniche IIT Guwahati.

Made North East's 1st and only professional 15kg combat robot (BAGH) with weapon as Electric Lifter and participated at technical fest of VIT Vellore.

2019 - JEC Technical Fest
Winners at Hurdle Race, Robosoccer and Robo Royal and First Runner up of Robosoccer and Roboroyal at technical fest of Jorhat Engineering college.

2019 - Srijan 1.0
Winners at a pitching event Srijan 1.0 organised by NIT Silchar.
Manual Tea Making Machine for specially abled was pitched.

Winners in Innovation Challenge at KIIT Bhubaneswar for our TRL 5 product Infrawake - ICT based device to prevent drowsy driving.
Winners in B-plan event.
Runners up in Robo Triathlon event.

2020 - Tecnoesis
Winners and Runners up in Robowars (8kg) of Tecnoesis, NIT Silchar.
Made North East's 1st and only professional vertical spinner combat robot (VOLTRON 2.0).

2020 - AEC Tech fest
Winners in Robowars (8kg) and Robosoccer at technical fest of Assam Engineering College.

2020 - Techathon X1
Winners in Techathon-X1 by Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Govt. Of India.
Presented #Infrawake with ICT implementation.
( It is a plug and play designed product to prevent accidents due to Drowsy Driving, by overcome the demerits of Open CV, and informing it to the respective concerned people of the drivers)

2020 - AgriHacks
Winners In AgriHacks 2020
AgriHacks e-Ideathon is an Inter-college National level hackathon organised by TEQIP-III and JEC-ASSAM aimed to promote IOT based solutions for the Indian Agricultural Sector.
Project presented - AISMV( Automatic irrigation system using machine vision)

2021 - ProjectoMania
Winners in Projectomania organised by Technex St. Vincent Pallotti College of Engineering and Technology under their technical fest Technex 21.
Product shown : Safesync-IOT.

2021 - RTU Poornima Hackathon
Secured 1st prize in RTU-POORNIMA Hackathon 2021.
Solution Presented : Automatic Optimal Irrigation using Machine Vision
Category : Both Hardware and Software
Total Applicants : 1700 across the Nation.